@beemommyof3, yes I looked it all of that. If it was that bad of course but three nurses checked him he's ok they say he has movement
09.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@shellbaby7 okay but if you have cancer that isn't hurting your right now will you not want to get chemo or take the proper precautions so it will not grow and get worse?
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Tongue ties can effect babies speech and lip ties can rot the teeth coming in as well as cause a gap. I would at least be informed if anything. Sometimes no intervention is necessary. I'm my cause my daughter needed intervention. the earlier the better. Most latch right to breast after the revision.
@jskidsmom, I actually follow the entire bible as it is all of Gods word. Before Jesus men like David and Solomon did what they wanted as far as with women. I don't know of any scripture where God allowed many wives. Circumcision is apart of the promises for gentile and Jew.
@tristan-makes-5, yes they told me a lisp can become developed but like I said he is eating very well my other nurse said he's just probably fussy due to the circumcision. He will probably latch back on my breast tomorrow
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@shellbaby7 the old testament not the new. We are living the new testament. In the old testament men were allowed to have more than 1 wife you still follow that too?
@jskidsmom, if he doesn't need it I don't want to unnecessarily snip him. His circumcision is apart of Gods law in the Old Testament. I don't want him more uncomfortable if he doesn't need to be.
@pettybetty, ooo ok see yours is completely different from mine he was fine before circumcision. And he still is just a lil fussy. This was one nurse. I'll c tomorrow
@jskidsmom, that's what they telling me but google is killing me!! He only 2days and he was fine yesterday and earlier today! He was also circumcised so that adds uncomfortably 🙁
Well I can say from experience.... my son's tongue and lip tie absolutely had to be fixed. He couldn't eat from breast or bottle. He had to be syringe fed for months. With out the clip done, he would have never thrived.
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
A tongue tie is actually quite common... If the pediatrician thinks it needs to be cut I would at least get a second opinion. It can cause difficulty eating and be uncomfortable for the baby.
08.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Tongue tie will make it harder to breastfeed the baby