Amanda C
Amanda C
I hate the term breastfeeding. When you say that, everyone thinks of the traditional way to feed a child.
You don't see the mom that can't get her cold to nurse for whatever reason, but still wants to feed her kid breast milk.
It's incredibly frustrating. It's also incredibly lonely.
I can officially say I know what it's like to be a dairy cow...
So if I seem to be clinging to my little girl, consider this...
I only saw her for half a second before they took her away from me for ten minutes.
I didn't get to hold her the first hour she was in this world...
My parents got to hold my daughter before I did...
And I cannot nurse my child...I do not get that special connection that comes with that... And it breaks my heart...

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@damiensmommy1117 my arms were shaking from the anesthesia.
02.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Also with my oldest she came out with the cord wrapped around her neck and she didn't cry for them so they immediately took her to the nicu I didn't get to see her or hold her for three hours.
01.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I couldn't breastfeed my youngest. Was told not to. And it bothers me sometimes but I really don't like breastfeeding. I have small weird flat nipples and my kids never wanted to latch. I tried everything with my older kids but I could only pump for two weeks with all of them before I had to stop. I hate seeing posts about breast is best and shit. It makes me feel like I'm wrong for giving her formula. Lol but I know I'm not
01.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would have raised hell if I didn't get to hold my son, I'm sorry they took so long! 😕 I wasn't able to do skin to skin for like the first hour and a half and I was really disappointed.
01.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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