Lindsey Miller
Lindsey Miller
Advice for my daughter to sleep better in her own bed? She’s 10 1/2 months. Right now she’s in a pack n play in a different room, she’ll fall asleep around 7-8 I’ll put her in it and she wakes up about 10-11 and won’t go back to sleep unless I bring her to my bed, then she sleeps all through the night. I’m thinking maybe a toddler bed? Any advice welcome in desperate to have my bed back y’all!

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My daughter will not sleep in a pack n play. Neither will my nephews. Maybe she is uncomfortable.
03.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Do you leave her with a sippy at night? You could try that, so she can drink it when she wakes up. Sometimes they wake if there is any light in the room or they didn't get enough to eat, or are cold.
30.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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