KINDA long may be a trigger ** but jus some things going on
My baby is about to be a week old towmarro it's flown by so fast I'm still adjusting but it's starting to get better I love her so much tonight I will be leaving her with her dad to go to do our paper route he has been working so hard I wanna give him a break it jus makes me so nervous to leave he's still adjusting as well so it's like ahhh and if he were to fall asleep he's hard to wake up I told him he has to text me while I'm gone !!! He said he would so we shall see how this goes ! I want to loose weight now this is my goal ! I know this is horrible but I remember when I was younger and in elementary I was embarrassed by my mom cause kids would say stuff I don't want my daughter to have to be that way I struggled with a eating disorder most of my life sometimes worse then others trying to keep my self on the right track and eating but it's so tempting I jus want to look good too and feel better about my self my emotions have been wack a doodle to I thought that would be done after I had her but no -_- I have so much to learn still sometimes I feel so lost !! And I worry so much if I'm healing ok if she is ok if I'm doing things right if I'm being a bad mom !!
@karensmommy idk if it was them or not but earlier today I wiped and there was a string I mean I haven't been bleeding any more then I have been actually lighter today then it's been
@damiensmommy1117 that's for sure !! It's def hard to know and then I wonder if I'm feeding to much to and like things are ok with me like I'm pretty sure part of my stitches came out or whatever today so I'm kinda freaking out but I was told it was normal idk
25.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I am in the same boat. I'm always worrying if I'm doing okay, if he's eating enough, if the weird things I'm feeling down there are normal... It's really nerve wracking!
@karensmommy like with formula u have to heat it even though u use room temp water ? That's one things cause earlier I think I gave it to her to hot and she spit up it didn't feel that warm but I felt horrible
@karensmommy thank you and I mean I know I just hate my body :( I'm trying my best I've been around kids all my life I didn't think it be this hard but gosh it is hard