Let's talk Breast vs Formula...

Even mommas who can not or do not breastfeed for whatever reason..

No judging!! Let's make this a trending topic!!

How Long did you breastfeed? Still going....

Did you choose formula right off bat? No, never used formula

What are your thoughts on Cover vs uncovered? My child hates to be covered...think about it...would you want to eat in the dark? But I cover when people are uncomfortable....sometimes

Why did you choose formula? I didn't

Why did you choose breast? It's God given, it changes for and with my child, it's superior (research and experience...facts)

How did you make your decision? Finances honestly

What was your influence? Research and finances

Advice on increasing your supply? No pacifiers! Or supplementing! It's supply and demand

Do you pump? I did.

Do you premake your bottles for 3 am feedings? Nope, never made a bottle

What are your night time feed schedules? (For breast and formula) Up every 2 to 3 hours

Do you tandem feed? (If your kids are close enough in age to do this) one child

Do you have to supplement? No

Yes you can answer per child if you have more than one! Please do... Let's make this a trending topic.

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