Lindsey Zastoupil
Lindsey Zastoupil
Who else hates Christmas? Lol. I've started hating that holiday. It's beautiful out, but we never have money for gifts for the kids. We haven't had the funds for it for the past 6 years. It's hard to tell little kids that Santa was going to send their gifts later because the elves ran out of supplies to make their gifts with, and then to hear them cry later on because they asked around and were the only ones Santa forgot at the school and have them ask you what they did wrong to where Santa doesn't want to give them's heartbreaking. We've tried doing fun stuff and making it about family time and not gifts, but their dad has their mentality so warped...he gets gifts from the police station, hospital, salvation army, goodwill, and they get "adopted" by a rich family each year to get supplied with gifts while at his place...he doesn't have to spend a dime. So our Christmas is spent trying to come up with enough money to give them a big meal and, if were lucky, a stocking with small stuff in it. There's that. But now we're adding in that my mom has stage 3 lung cancer and it's progressing aggressively and rapidly, so the doctors feel she may make it to Christmas, if she's lucky, but don't feel she'll make it to see January of the new year. I hate the holidays, but I don't want my daughter growing up with that hatred for a holiday she should deem fun and magical...but money wise? We can't provide gifts for them...which makes the holiday, in their eyes, null and void. Ugh.

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You could even purchase prepaid visas when you get your tax return & hold onto them until the holiday season... that way you could even shop online if the hour drive to Watertown was too much during the winter months 🙃
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mrssanderson I'll have to look into that. Thank you!
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@zachattackmomma Sisseton, South Dakota. On the outskirts of the reservation and agency. It's mainly natives here, and the closest large area is Watertown 45 minutes away, or Sioux Falls (2 hours away) for a layaway to be available with in-store pickup only
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@s_r_z_15, what town are you in
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
I meant maybe try taking a chunk of your tax return & saving it for the holidays? I know a lot of people who do that. & you can put things on layaway, maybe that would be another good option for y’all if you don’t have the space to keep them in your home.
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
My parents got by on 18K a year. My mom started saving in January for Christmas. Penny by penny we got by and still had the magic of Christmas. Once you believe you CANT, you’re right... once you believe you CAN, you’re right.
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@zachattackmomma what's a community angel tree? I know our town (2000 people) give the local shop stuff they don't want and the shop sets it out for people to sift through for free, but most of its raggedy or goes to people who don't even need it
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can you get on a community angel tree you’d be surprised at community outreach to help provide for children
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mrssanderson We do, but I don't get any forms until January and don't receive it until February, if it arrives on time. We tried that before...the kids found them right away and opened them well before Christmas because we have no hiding space :/
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Do you guys get a tax return at all? Maybe start putting away some money or buy things as you can months ahead. The holidays are rough but we find it a lot easier to start shopping earlier so it doesn’t seem like such an splurge at once
09.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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