Why Do I Experience Breast Pain After Feeding?

Has anyone experienced breast pain after feeding? Sometimes I get sharp, achey pains that will last almost 30 mins after I feed my baby. And it makes it uncomfortable to lay down. I won't have any lumps or red nipples or anything. Just pain in my breast tissue. Any ideas why?

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I experienced this too my doc told me its because your breasts are just trying to get used to the pain kinda like a man who works with his hands all day building calases your breasts will eventualy be numb to the pain and it will be much easier i promise im going on 13 months of breast feeding strong and plan to continue as long as possible
20.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would love to know, I've had this on and off too. Ended up not being mastitis or candida, so the only thing I was lead to believe was vasospasms. I take magnesium and calcium and cannot skip meals or my Prenatal vitamins. Good luck, I hop it gets resolved for you!!!
10.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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