So this is random and really disturbing. YouTube the lyrics to your child's favorite cartoon backwards. For example, type in "sponge bob squarepants theme song backwards" into YouTube. Please don't tell me what you find.
@lawyeredmom, I did go listen to it it made me laugh lol I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything but to me it’s everyone just overreacting and finding things wrong with everything
@courtneyraelochamy there was actually a study done on this which showed that we subconsciously recognize things backwards and respond accordingly. But I was just putting it out there to do my due diligence. You can actually download and play it for yourself if it will make you feel better bc it's not made up unfortunately. I personally did this with sesame street. But to each, there own
I don’t think it’s a big deal lol people always trying to find stuff wrong with everything. Not like a kid is going to sit there and watch sponge bob and in their head head it backwards and think those things. But that’s just me.. people over react to literally everything these days. When honestly its hilarious what people will find and make up.