I am so mad at my husbands work. Payroll is supposed to be one Wednesdays, but they posted a sign (that day) that payroll would be the next day. With no reasons as to why. So or house payment came out because I was unaware of the payroll issue so we now have an overdraft charge that could've been prevented. Then he got paid today and I took out all the automatic bills and were now forty dollars short and I haven't even touched the physical bills. I don't even know where the money for groceries is going to come from. I'm just so irritated today.

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I guess I can call and find out. We've had quite a few of them recently so I'm not sure how willing they would be.
02.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can you call the bank and see if they'll refund you the overage charges, like a one time deal? Sometimes they refund them
02.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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