Moms I need advice to help me get through this tough time. My fiancé of 5 years can’t decide if he wants to continue our relationship or not. We’ve been through a rough patch over the past 6 months dealing with loosing everything and having to move back to my moms place. I haven’t been single in 5 years I have a one year old son. I have terrible anxiety and depression. I need advice to help me get through this tough situation 😞💔

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It’s tough going through that. My last relationship was 5 years. I didn’t have kids with him but he had kids that I grew to love very much. We lost our apartment. Had to move in with my parents. And 4 months later we broke up. At first it was hard, I didn’t know how to be by myself. It did get easier. And I moved on to the best thing in my life. If you can work it out, that would be best. Lay everything out on the table and go from there. I wish the best for you.
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Im sorry you guys are going through a tough time. I really hope that it works out for you. if you guys truly love each other y’all can talk and work through this. Hang in there and if you want to be together even through this hard patch then sit down and talk to one another on what you guys want in the future, how can you guys get out of this funk... etc... COMMUNICATION is key 🔑 positive vibes to you!! @mamayoung,
01.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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