Lindsey Zastoupil
Lindsey Zastoupil
So, we were just at the store. Samira fell in the parking lot on our way back to the car and now wont stand or put weight on her left side. Everytime she tries she screams and says "Ow". It's been half hour now and I tried getting her to walk and she tried...but her leg gave right out. I gave her some Motrin for the pain and iced it like recommended when I called the ER but that's not doing anything yet. We don't have an urgent care or after hours pediatrician here. Only thing available is the ER, which won't see her without a copay and they already said it won't be covered by her insurance, so it'd be another hefty bill we can't afford. Any advice? It's her left side. I googled her symptoms and what happened and now I'm a little nervous she broke something...

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Ah! Kids! I hope she's feeling better!
29.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mamaprince @jennatess @blessedmama09 I took her in last night after she stepped wrong again and refused to stand on it. Got to the ER, they wiggled her ankle, had her try walking, then said it'd be fine and to just give her some childrens Tylenol. She's walking fine on it today so it was nothing, hopefully.
29.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think you should keep her off of it for sure but take her in the ER just to be safe. Don't wait more then a day if you do wait. I'd take her ASAP just to be safe. I broke my foot. My 2nd and 3rd metatarsals and I thought I sprained my ankle. My whole foot up to my ankle was swelled and I couldn't walk. So I waited four days like a crazy and they told me it was broken and I possibly needed surgery. Thankfully I didn't! Got a cast right away to straighten my bones because they were already healing. Basically when you break a bone your body tries to heal it as soon as it can and if you wait she might need surgery. That'll be worse. See if someone can give you loan. Her health is very important and it'd be worse to wait incase she broke something.
28.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jennatess Until Monday :(
28.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Definitely sounds like something is really bruised or broken. Keep her in bed with you tonight. Make sure she's okay. And then take her in the morning if she still has pain. Or, do you have to wait until Monday?
28.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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