Marlena Fisher
Marlena Fisher
Brought home little girl almost two weeks ago. Now my 3yo, who is nonverbal (jargons and understands everything we say and what's going on), is a little shit. Jumping, stomping, beating the cats, hitting, kicking, telling us no, won't eat anything unless it's force-fed, and is PARTICULARLY mean to my fiancee (not his bio-dad but has been there since he was 6mo and is basically dad. Bio-dad is out of picture completely.) WTF DO I DO?!! I'm going insane and I literally can't put the baby down ever between eating and pumping so he's been spending the day in his room for the past 3 days because I literally can't even.

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Do you give him one on one time and have you tried pumping and letting him give baby bottle that’s what we have been doing with our son and he is doing really well he definitely throws his temper tantrums had one Tuesday and he fell on sissy’s head and we ended up in er we also let him hold sissy if he is sitting and mommy or daddy help
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@morgan.k Here's hoping! I'm pretty no-nonsense with this shit. I've taken all extra things away (favorite toys, tv time, the 30 min of phone time, cake, etc.)
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Right now I think he is just struggling with the change of having a new baby taking all of your time. There are some great books about it to help him understand what's happening. I also think that if you and your fiance could split up time where one of you is just doing something special with him while the other spends time with the baby it might help. He is going through a huge change with the new baby and being non verbal makes that even harder for him to communicate what he is feeling. Just let him know you understand the change he is going through and that you love him. Good luck.
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@morgan.k define busting his ass? Spankings? Oh yeah, but in like 5 minutes we're back to square 1
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Right now, I'm trying to chock it up to his age and the fact that we've basically been inside since I think it's too cold and too much work right now between pumping and chasing him and hauling her around to sit at a park
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Im sure it's will get better, little patience 🌷
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's my biggest nightmare, I want to see what's Pro mom's will say on this one 😧
27.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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