I have been on my weight loss journey since May 6,2017 so 5 months now. Within that time I have lost 17 pounds . Recently I decided to cut red meat completely out of my diet just to see how much of a difference it would make if I didn’t eat red meat. I’ve always been a big girl. When I was pregnant I only gained 4 pounds so this isn’t baby weight it’s the weight I already had plus the weight I gained during my break up with my sons father a year and a half ago. I just wanna be smaller and healthier . My stomach is really my problem it gotta go. Meeting with a trainer on Thursday to get some extra help with my weight loss. I’m kinda excited.
I probably won’t ever get it lmao. I really don’t spend on myself like that especially not on one item. With the sweet sweat belt it makes me sweat a lot more than i would if i didn’t have it on when i take it off the sweat just be dripping down ewww but it’s great cuz that means i had a great workout lol
@leangocrazy, oh ok i swear i don’t wanna lose the little bit of ass i have left. Haha I’ve seen her waist trainer and it’s $90 for the size i need and i can’t afford it at the moment i want hers so bad tho lol
I’ve always been told to focus on cardio and specific areas like squats so u don’t lose your ass when running lol but add weight once you get to a comfortable weight
@leangocrazy, don’t wanna suffocate all day lmao but i do wear a waist trimmer when i workout. I just purchased a new one. I have the sweet sweat belt and when i sweat a lot it starts to roll and i hate that so i bought another one that has back support and it won’t roll
Try a waist trainer during the day and a second one to work out it ... don’t escape cardio but remember double your exercise for the amount of calories you intake daily
Yeah. And we have a lot.of stairs to go up so i run up them 10 times a day in a row as of right now. Today i am trying 10 in the morning and 10 tonight. Pushing myself some and then i do some more workouts after before i shower and go to bed.
You are absolutely correct. That is why i have been taking control over my actions and this week i have not done too bad. I have done alot better lately.
Sometime you have to be your own support. Self motivation is key. I’ve learned the only thing standing in the way of your goals is yourself. You have to want it bad enough to make the change. It’s definitely not a walk in the park especially if you love bad food like myself lol