I used to spend so much of my time worrying about what others thought of me. So much so I would fake being sick to avoid them at a function or so I would have to go to be told how much I wasn't like them. I'm going to be fucking honest with you! I didn't start finding myself and developing who I am until a little over a year ago! Thank about that I am 35 now. I didn't find myself till I was 34! 😮
I was on Lorazepam for severe anxiety and I would take it up to 3 times a day, most days at least 2. I had so little self confidence that I would txt Randy almost everyday asking if things would be ok. I had family members telling me things I did were stupid, that I did things wrong, that because I am disabled I couldn't do normal things, namely be a mother. I let these people control me. I let them put me in such a fear of bing in their presence I would have panic attacks in fear of what they would say to me next.
But not now! Now I know who I am. Now I could give a fuck what they think. Now I am me I'm Erin, a goofy disabled mom with a damaged past, who is disabled with a history of an eating disorder and verbal and manipulative abuse. I LOVE fantasy and sci-fi! I love My Little Pony, stuffed animals, cats, art, dressing up, helping others, fitness, cartoons, horses, toys, making my babies happy, and spending time with Randy.
I am Erin and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks anymore because I love me!
So now it's your turn. It's scary to realize and accept who you are, flaws and all. But you know what?! DO it because once you do it's one of the most freeing things in the world!
STOP giving a fuck about what others think and GIVE a fuck about
I love you!
I believe in you!
You are beautiful and amazing and I KNOW you can do anything!
Rock it Mama!! I am prone to anxiety and had PPD/A and am being treated now for postweaning depression/anxiety. It is hard not to be ashamed BUT I am accepting that my brain struggles with these postpartum transitions, and THAT IS OKAY! That doesn’t change or affect my character or heart!