How many of you mommas actually use the baby detergent to wash clothes? Or do you just wash their clothes with your soap?! Wondering if I should start washing his clothes with my laundry
I use baby detergent or regular detergent if I'm out , but I never wash our clothes together . I Just feel like adult clothes are way dirtier and shouldn't be mixed w babies clothes lol I work at a school and I know my husbands clothes comes home from work filthy also sooo yeah.
My mom went crazy with baby stuff and insisted I was her clothes separately and with the bby detergent or free and clear . So I did for the time being but now her clothes are washed with ours and she's fine . It depends on baby .
19.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Me and my baby use dreft baby detergent together!💕