@mum2sky, I think you are right and I’ll try a bit more and will see how things are going x thanks a lot you are being very helpful and supportive x wish you a lovely day with your angel xx
@nadine_s she was sleeping bad since the beginning. She's a terrible sleeper she doesn't switch off lol but now she's not too bad. She will sleep through and sometimes like I said she will wake up once but that's it. It might just be as your son is getting older he's getting more hungry or he's going through a growth spurt. I would keep breastfeeding and see if it continues then go from there
@nadine_s no it's really good you want to keep breastfeeding. They say you should until they're one. The problem I found was that my daughter was too clingy and she wouldn't sleep good so that's why I stopped. But everyone is different. As they get older they get more hungry aswell so it might be that the milk isn't enough. There are a lot of factors. You do what you feel is best there's no pressure hun x
@mum2sky, thank you for your advise , he started to be like this maybe last few weeks but than he still had a few nice nights .. so I’m still confusing what happens to him .. I thought maybe of solids he has a lot of wind bcs it was a main reason of him being awake . And I still wish to give him a breast milk so I’m fighting with myself about formula .. seems I asked about advise you were very helpful and I’m staying a “miss stubborn “.. )
@nadine_s I think he's partly hungry and it's probably comfort. And if he's been doing it for a long time he's just used to it aswell. My daughter was exactly the same. It changed when we was on formula and I think she was full from the milk
My daughter slept terribly whilst she was breast fed. I had to stop at 8 months and she sleeps so much better now she's on formula. She used to wake up about 5 times a night and now she doesn't wake up at all or sometimes maybe once.
He doesn’t , just my milk and some solids as he doesn’t like vegetables ( he is a lot awake at night now . Did your daughter had those problems ? How was her sleep at that stage ?
I'm still breastfeding :) breastfed on demand till my daughter was 10 months old. Does your son take formula? If you started weaning at 6 months, he is still very young, it is normal for them to eat just a tiny bit of solids :)