Stephanie Galarcep
Stephanie Galarcep
Been awake with the little one since 12am I’m seriously running on E, he been dong good since he got home but now it’s not, I think he was really gases because when I was bottle feeding him he made this weird noise like he couldn’t breath. Also it’s really hard to get a burp out of him but I don’t stop until I get one. He also make a weird noise when he sleeping like he can’t breath then wakes up a few seconds upset. When he sleeping on my chest everything ok. Idk what to do 😫😰😫😰😴😴😴

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He could have acid reflex. Does he spit up sometimes after the choking?
12.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Babys milk possibly ain't agreeing with him.. I'd ask a his dr asap newborn babies tend to sleep 17/18 hrs of a day do theres definitely something going on... good luck it's hard but be patient and don't get aggravated he'll be able to sense it and it'll make it that much worse
12.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Does he sound congested? My daughter has been congested since she was born and I keep asking doctors everyone and they tell me oh she will be that til around May!! Really?? It's so nerve wracking with newborns every little thing worries you!
12.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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