Hi everyone, I'm new here. One of my friends advised to join mom' life's. I'm 6 weeks and I have had bleeding for over a week now, ranging from light pink to dark brown to light pink again. There isn't enough to fill a pad in a day. I've been to the gyn. outpatients, had a scan and it's not an ectopic pregnancy, they said it's all ok and early days and scheduled me in next week for another scan. Did anyone else have bleeding, cramping and it went to be ok afterwards? Doctors don't seem to be that worried about spotting, but I read on various websites that it may be a miscarriage ... really need you advice....

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@natajames, Hun I would still get it checked by doctors as I was like that at 7/8 weeks .. and started bleeding no cramps no pains and no heavy bleeding or clots but my instinct was telling me something wrong . . Went doctors he checked my bp everything and he goes everything seems fine but even if it’s a miscarriage can’t do anything . I came home really worried and not happy with that answer rang the EPU and got a scan next day and there she said can’t see any sign of baBy 😭😭so if I was u get it checked out to be on safe side hun I was so depressed.. don’t want to scare you x
22.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mum2sky, I think if I continue to ask I may get the same answer, so far: all ok, we don't know.
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@natajames they said the same to me. It's only after I pressured them for an explanation that's what they gave me but I think they just said that to shut me up lol x
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mum2sky, they couldn't even tell me anything, it's off, I can't get my head around that there's bleeding and clot(which came after app) and they dong know why....🤦🏼‍♀️
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@natajames yeah I had something similar. It was a part of the placenta that came off they told me. I had a scan and baby was fine. Just keep an eye on it hun I'm sure baby is fine x
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mum2sky, hi hun;) going back to the subject of bleeding. I was fine until 13+3 and then started to have period like bleeding turning from red to brown and cramping, the gp referred to the surgical assessment unit this morning, where they've run a blood test and scan and all is fine, by morning the bleeding stopped, they didn't see a reason for bleeding. I come home and find a brownish blood clot, is that what you had??
22.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mamaprince, there are some things which no one can explain. You have a beautiful little one ;)
14.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you;) you've reassured me, will wait for Thursday for another scan ;)
01.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh and don't Google 😂 that'll send you crazy trust me lol
01.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@natajames I know how you feel hun. But if youve been for checks and they've ruled it out try not to stress because that can make it worse. Just relax and enjoy the ride I'm sure bubba is happy in there:) as long as it's not bright red I wouldn't worry x
01.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mum2sky, oh! Thank you so much, don't know what to think, at 5 weeks I started spotting and it's been a week, every day, praying that it would stop.
01.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hun if it was a miscarriage you would know. It would be very painful and the blood would be bright red. At 12 weeks I started bleeding and I lost a blood clot the size of 2 50p pieces. I started freaking and thought I'd lost my baby but they said it was like the placenta or something coming loose. You're quite early so it could be implantation bleeding but I'm sure if it was a miscarriage all the people you saw would've told you :)
01.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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