@jasmine12 your welcome ❤ you will know when you can't sleep in your belly anymore. But girl sleep on your belly while you can cause I never slept on my side into I got pregnant and I hate it cause it's so uncomfortable cause I'm use to sleeping on my stomach
I will half ass still lay on my stomach, just gets weird because at times he's so active when I lay down that it feels like he's smacking the mattress like come on mom your smashing me in here lol
I agree with @leann.harris @jasmine12 my doctor told me I can still sleep in my belly if I wanted too and I'm 36 week but I told my doctor it's uncomfortable sleeping on my belly cause it's bigger then when I found out I was pregnant 😂
My doctor said it was okay until I wasn't comfortable , I still wake up on my tummy , there's enough belly between you and the baby to not hurt it , don't listen to the myths 😂 you do whatever makes you comfy