Hey ladies, I need some advice. My 18 month old is going to be a big brother in February so I'm in the process of weaning him from breastfeeding. So here's how it's going so far... I have officially cut out his night nursing before bed. We cuddle and watch a small part of a movie then he crawls into bed with a cup of water so he doesn't end up thirsty at night. But my biggest hang up is getting rid of his nap nursing. He only takes one nap in a day but I usually nurse him to sleep for that one. Otherwise he just tries to get up and play because his room gets a lot of light during the day. So my question is, what is a good way to eliminate the last nursing session and still make sure he gets a nap. He never liked bottles and he never took pacifiers. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance. Picture is just because he's cute.