I feel like I'm doing this alone sometimes. All I wanted to do was take an hour or so nap, I'm in a lot of pain my meds arnt ready at the pharmacy yet and I had baby girl all morning. I asked my SO to get her up from her nap and watch her. He did for about a half hour, woke me up just to tell me she was hungry and when I said make her a sandwich or cut up an apple or something she just ate a little bit ago he proceeded to get pissed I wasn't getting up i literally slept for 30 minutes. Said she would get it all over and I told him to put her in the high chair and he stormed out to the living room. I maybe fell back asleep for 40 more minutes and I wake up to a silent house, go out in the living room and he never fed her and was sleeping on the couch while she had free range to do as she pleases. 😡 he knows he can't lay down while he's watching her and he does it all the time and leaves her to get into whatever she wants.. I just wanted a nap because my side is throbbing like 10x worse than it normally does. I swear idk what I'm going to do when I have my liver resection surgery in November..

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