Sarah Cocco
Sarah Cocco
Oh maaaaan! Anyone heard of Nursemaid's Elbow? I hadn't until today. I picked up my younger daughter by the hands and her little elbow came out of joint. It wasn't rough or anything, I was just picking her up in a silly way while we were playing. She wasn't in any pain, but her arm was just hanging down by her side, limp. I guess it's very common and super easy to happen up to age 4. Just a warning! Also, it took the doctor literally (not figuratively) 3 seconds to put it back in place.

Moral of the story: Picking you kids up under their arms is the way to go!

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I worked as a preschool teacher for almost three years in the same Center... We saw a lot of nursemaid elbow. Most of the time it was from older siblings or parents playing with the babies or children. Grabbing them by their hands and Swinging them in a circle while laughing and giggling and singing... I never once saw it come from an abusive situation. I understand if that does happen but I think it's more common to come from playing then anything.
08.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Oh wow! No one called CPS on me, thank goodness. I guess it's a good thing my MIL was with me so I would have a witness if they did.
08.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes, this is why I have always avoided picking up children by their hands. I worked in ER and have seen a few nursemaids elbows. Poor babies. However, our doctor always call Child Services each time because some parents yank their kids arms when they are angry and pull them out of socket.
08.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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