Katie smith
Katie smith
Warning to my fellow Moms:


Yes, that's right! These horrible pests have an actual season. Here's a few things you need to know about these ugly little buggers:

1. They LOVE to nest in CLEAN heads. Yes, the common misconception that dirty adults & children attract lice is bogus! You can still bathe your children, just lay off on washing their hair for a bit!

2. Tea Tree oil is an AMAZING option for your child. Those shampoos & sprays can lead to temporary blindness, rashes, or chemical sensitivity. Two drops of 100% REAL Tea Tree in your soap can deter any lice looking to nest.

3. Tea Tree spray is super easy to use and a great alternative to (surprise, surprise πŸ˜‰) those chemical filled sprays that are included in those kits.
Just mix:
1 Cup Witch Hazel (Natural Antiseptic)
5 drops Tea Tree oil
4 Drops Lavender
Ensure you're mixing this in a glass spray bottle. Oils tend to attach to plastic bottles if they aren't mixed with a soap.

I LOVE the mixture of Lavender & Tea Tree and use it on our sheets every night before bed. It helps us relax & unwind after a long day! Feel free to comment or ask any questions! These have all worked in my personal experience. If you choose to use the store bought kits, more power to ya! I just figured I would share some oily Mamma DIYs 😊



Coconut oil and warm white vinegar /apple cider will work too are great for treating as well :)
06.09.2017 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ