Ashley Sims
Ashley Sims
I feel so emotional! As some of you know our beautiful 5 month old boy just got a tracheostomy last Monday. He is still trying to get latching down and gets very frustrated cause it's all different for him. They said it takes a while to get the suck swallow breathe down. And he has a bit of oral adversion so he keeps gaging too but is improving every day! Well they're feeding him through his ng tube 24 oz a day and my pump output isn't that high. Even when I was pumping all day (literally once an hour through the day plus power pumping). I'm now doing every 2 hours and 2-3 power pumps a day and can only manage to get 19 oz. I started getting overwhelmed today cause my stash is running low and I'm now sure how long till he gets back to just nursing. Within 2 hours I had 5 people willing to donate milk for our baby. Just ONE of the ladies alone is going to donate about 200oz! I've been teary eyed every since cause I'm amazed that so many people love this beautiful, perfect little human we made so much!

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