@mothernaturexx4 And he tells me "all you women do is bitch". Because his mom and grandma bitch at him too. I'm like well if there's more than one person telling you the same shit shouldn't you be looking at what your doing?! Duh.
@mothernaturexx4 it's ridiculous I wouldn't even put up with him at all if I weren't pregnant we broke up for a month then I found out I was pregnant I got pregnant right before we broke up. I was ready to move on. Fuckkk why did this have to happen😢😥
I have a man child too he just slept in till 3pm! 🙄 WTF. I kicked him out for this I let him come over a couple days he destroys my apartment and now he's going back to his grandmas I'm not playing his damn games. Sorry we just got done fighting I'm still irritated af.
This "supposedly man" think women should do anything! New trend is women don't need man nowadays so they need to get in there heads a women ain't supposed to be a Slave so you can get your ass up and do some house cleaning too..