Alright I don't do this often but I need to yell I want to punch my stupid ass sister inlaw in the face and just walk away. Today her my brother inlaw niece n nephew came over to see my son for his birthday I was ok with it and assumed the visit would go well. I had my daughter in a bright pink shirt that said love with gold glitter a black pair of jeans and a white and gold head bow on. She's talking to Blakely and says awe momma got your ears done you look like a little her exact words nigger baby. I looked at my husband and he gave me this hush look. I'm not a racist person but they are very racist and I had told them to never talk about race in a negative manner around my children as we teach our kids color doesn't define a person we should enjoy everyone's presence. Did she call my child that because she has big ear rings as I don't want a small stud pulling through her little ears or because they are gold and she was wearing a lot of gold? My daughter has nothing but gold jewelry because I love the soft look of gold on a baby. It wouldn't bother me if it didn't come from a close minded racist cunt. Excuse my language but seriously she not only felt the need to say it trying to be quiet but she said the N word fuck that fuck her. I want nothing more with her. Maybe she feels hurt because I said I'm excited to finally have a niece. I didn't mean it like I don't love her daughter but she's not blood and I didn't even get to see her till she was 3 yrs old because she thinks she's better than everyone and kept her kids from my husbands family including us. I have 4 nephews and a niece I have never met so I'm excited to have two nieces that I get to see when I want.
Lol no worries! I know sometimes it's hard because you don't wanna start a fight with hubby. Ugh but how awful!