Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
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Ya, this was NOT my best workout, AT ALL! I was full of frustration, anxiety and down right pissed off. All of which aren't good to bring into a time meant to refocus you. So what was going on I hear you ask? Well, the kiddos that's what. Both of them were determined to do what ever it took, to get in my way, act out and try to get my attention. First, it started off as I thought I was gonna get a workout with just me! Owen was sleeping and Sammy was playing in her room and I know this sounds bad, but I was so excited and pumped for no little people being around. I jacked up my rock music and went to town.

Abe 1/3 of the way through Sammy decides that she was done playing and that she wanted to come in her. So number 1 there went my music, replaced with 5 Nights at Freddy's animated music. She then proceeds to pick Devon up holding him under his arms and letting his bottom dangle like the pendulum of a grand father clock. That was the first thing that got me turning red. Sammy knows way better than to pick any cat up like that! Number 2 was when she started to be loud and work Owen up. He was fussy so I had to stop my workout and put some waffles in the toaster, getting ready to press play again only to be asked if someone else could have some. Sighing I went back out and made Sammy her waffles too. Only to come back to so her smacking him in the head because he was going after her toys. "Time OUT!"

Ok, so I'm ready to do this! half way through this workout. I start and then Owen gets under feet when I'm doing fast feet moves. I normally wouldn't care but I was already miffed about Devon and having to stop to make everyone food. Then almost done, Sammy asks me to put a special show on. Now I was getting tired and I didn't want to stop the workout again so during moving push ups I changed her show for her. FINALLY
more exhausted from the start stop of doing the workout than if I hadn't I stretched and finished the workout. I had to take a moment after that. I was just too pissed off.

So yea that was how my workout went today! How was yours?!

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