Does anyone else's baby hate being in the playpen...I can't get a break..he whines if he's in there for more than 5 minutes. Before we got the play pen he was always next to me so maybe he will get used to it in time?
yes my son hated it he hates to be in anything .car seat high chair, grocerie basket. especially those baby carriers.forget it..😒😏🙂 lol
24.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
At first my LO liked it, she would play in there for 15 minutes at a time but out of no where she would do the same, whine & cry. So now I use it as a timeout thing or if I really have to do something & no else is home to get her, I put her in there. At we use it to block off the stairs (like a baby gate until we buy a real one)