I'm super nervous!!!... My Man gets back after being gone for a month... And I'm worried he's going to want me to change my methods with the baby. 😩 I sleep in the same room as the baby, bf on-demand... And nurse, rock, walk baby to sleep... Sometimes with a pacifier. Sometimes I lay him down when he's just tired so he can fall asleep on his own during the day... But tonight he wasn't having it. He's 3.5 months old. I'm worried I'm not allowing him to learn to self-soothe or fall asleep without assistance. Any advice other than the "cry it out" method? He's usually a pretty good sleeper...
Does this sound like a crazy schedule?... Or normal?
5.5-7.5 hours sleeping through the night... Followed by another 1-3 hours after feeding... And another 1-2 hours after feeding again. Usually "up-up" for the day between 7:30am-10:30am... Naps sometime around 12pm, 4pm, 6pm/7pm. Down for the night sometime between 8pm-10:30pm. And I nurse every 1-3 hours all day. Longest stretch between nursing is 6-8 hours at night.