Ali Head
Ali Head
I know I've made a lot of posts lately but I am stuck on why my son is pooping a lot more he used to just poop once of the morning once of the evening but now hes pooping so much that it's causing him to get a diaper rash literally since about 11 this morning I've changed 6 poopy diapers and it's been like this for about a week or more he's not eating anymore than usually nothing has changed that I do on a daily basis I just don't know why it's happening.

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@alipaige6399, poor baby. I know that hurts them. 😞 I just made sure to put some diaper rash cream on my daughter but also let it air out some if I could lol so her little butt wasn't always moist . He could just have a tooth or something trying to come through that you just can't see or feel. My daughter was like that. She didn't have any signs of teeth and then one day you could see it and the next it was through her gums lol
23.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kdstiltz, that's how his is his rash is so bad it's bleeding teething is the only thing I can think of even though as far as I know he don't have any teeth trying to come in.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jenny6884, he got his 2 bottom teeth at 6 and 7 months as far as I can feel and see he don't have anymore trying to come through but it very well could be teething and I just don't know it.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'd say teething maybe. My daughter went through a little phase where she pooped like that and it also made her butt raw from pooping so much . She has a few teeth coming in
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Is he teething? My son always had an increase in poops during teething.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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