So depressed with everything happening in my life I don't feel like a mom. I am having issues with the whole motherly thing I just don't know what to feel except pain and heartache from the split between my sons father and I. But I love my son to death. My mom kept him over night for me and I miss him. I just don't want this to screw up his life.

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Hang in there momma, u can do this, my mom did it with 3 and we all turned out fine. Just find urself, and find ur peace, grow strong and move on. U got this.
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I have been there moma and I have felt the same way it's perfectly normal for you to feel like that your a person .That was the best thing letting him have a sleep over .time will heal it . Sounds corny but it's very true ! Feel.better xoxo
22.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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