Ok so we arent planning on having any kids soon but we still like to be prepared with the names so everyone is on the same page and me and my boyfriend arent agreeing on a boys name he wants to have it as his name but i heard that they only do that with there first boy and we didnt name our first boy his name and i dont want my son too feel like he should have got the name of his father insead of the second boy.. so started to think of others and my boyfriend liked filemon but i dont like that and thats his cousins name and i feel like he should leave that name for filemons brothers and sisters... and so after saying no everything i finally fell in love with a name and its javi and i thought my boyfriend would love just as much but i cant get him to like it... ik we have no rush but its very frustrating. Any others ladys out there having the same problem!??

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Javi was one of the finalists for my son's name! We went through a ton of names before we settled on his, boys names are hard.
09.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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