Desiree DeFrank
Desiree DeFrank
My best friend hates my boyfriend.. and we have been talking about wanting to get married in the near future and buying a house, and she keeps telling me not to do it. And she makes comments about how I'm not really happy and she can see it, and if I stay with him he's not gonna be a good father and she doesn't trust him. I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose her friendship after 9 years. But me and my bf have been together for 10 months and I'm pregnant with our first child and I want us to be a family. I'm so stuck. She's my only real friend anymore, and I don't want to give up our friendship, but I love this man. And I want us to be together long term in a serious note. I need advice... please 😥

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You have to think if the stuff she's saying is true.. Is he good for you? The baby? If he is, then she has no room to judge and she's using this stuff from her own personal opinion. Thats not fair. 🙃
17.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dd1028, maybe because she really doesn't know him and y'all only been in a relationship for a short period of time so maybe she thinks it not gonna lasts.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
And as friends, they shouldn't judge much, but I have that problem too. If my friend or sister vents only the bad to me, it's hard for me to like the person they're with. But I at least give them a chance. I think you need to have a heart to heart with her. People who yell at animals or abuse animals (NOT saying he abuses them!), but they tend to do the same with babies, especially when/if baby is crying nonstop. I think she's just fearing the worst, so if you really cherish you guys friendship, sit down and talk it out with her. She doesn't have to just like him right off the bat, but she can at least respect you and the fact you love him. If he's never been abusive towards you mentally, emotionally, or physically, she needs to have your back a bit.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@breloya, that makes sense. I just figured that as my best friend of 9 years, she'd be able to listen without judgment. I have been there through some abusive relationships for her, and it just sucks I can't rely on her for the same.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I seen a quote a really long time ago that said something along the lines of, " keep your relationship private and never vent to friends or family. You will forget, but your friends and family will not." It may not have much to do with jealousy. She may just be looking out for you and cannot see past his "bad." Plus, your family and friends will always have your back, so they tend to hold onto the bad longer.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@callher_bunny, she's getting married in a few months, I don't see why she'd be jealous ugh. But thanks darling. I appreciate it.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dd1028 she also could be a little jealous. Ugh. Try to keep the peace and don't tell her negative stuff about him anymore. Only the good. I hope it works out for you dear.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@callher_bunny, it is. I want her blessing but I have to think about my happiness and our future. It just sucks.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
This is a tough situation🤔
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lovingbabyr, for awhile me and her only talked a few times a week because of our work schedules, and I always vent to her when he does something stupid. So she hears the bad and not so much the good. He was lazy with cleaning up after himself when we first moved in together, but he's gotten much better with helping around the house. But he has ptsd from the military and he's got a lot of issues he's trying to work on, so she doesn't trust him. He's never once hurt me, mentally or physically or done anything to give her a reason to worry. But he has a temper with our dog, he yells a lot, so she thinks he's gonna yell at the baby once she's here or not step up once she's here. But I have faith he will be an amazing father and husband. She just needs to give him a chance to see that.
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
What has he done that makes her not like him so much?
08.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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