With my son who is younger (so idk how it will work with your son) I take him in the room and hold him for a little while. I then give him a kiss and tell him its night night time and I'll see him in the morning. I lay him down rub his legs , sometimes he'll go straight to sleep other times he stands up and wants me to hold him. I then sit down and let him cry( it help tires him out) after about 3 minutes I lat him back down and do the same as before . If he stands back up I either let him cry (depending on his level of tiredness or not) If I know he's really sleepy and just want my comfort and not trying to just get out I hold him again and let him get to the point of almost sleep. I give him a kiss tell him night night and say I'll see him in the morning . I lay him down rub his leg , pat his butt, or whatever seems to help comfort him. By that time he is falling asleep. I sit there for a little while until I know he has fully fallen asleep and I leave. uauslly takes 5 minutes on easy day or up to 30 minutes when he's fighting his sleep. We've been sleep training for 5 days and so far he has slept through the night only waking up for a bottle (at 1or 2 in the morning) . He goes to sleep at 9 and wakes up around 8
@heavenwings, oh yeah. Absolutely. That's actually what we do to this day. Our issue is she wakes up about two / three hours later and remains awake for about and hour.
@hallek129, 12 months (last night was the first night he slept in his room and he slept great 13 and 1/2 hours... tonight he is so sad I just wanna cry with him..😫 any ideas?
@jennatess, did you try the method of bed routine lay them down before they are fully asleep and leave the room... more known as the "cry it out" method?