Totally devastated and trying to keep it together.
I've been really worried about Clara. She is 5 weeks old tomorrow and hasn't gained any weight and in fact had lost almost a pound the first week when she was in the NICU.
She has been breast fed on a demand schedule and she nurses until she does the normal pull from the nipple, hands relax, sleeping baby thing. She has 6 or more poopy diapers ba day and her peepee diapers are not concentrated at all just really wet.
Still... She was born 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. After 5 weeks and all she's gone through she is 8lbs 2 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. Not gaining.
So her doctor broke my heart today and sent her home with Similac because he says he's worried I'm just not producing enough. I have never looked down on anyone who opted to bottle feed their child. In my opinion if you are caring for your child you're already a world class mom so please don't be offended that my heart is broken having to give my baby a bottle.
I'll do what I have to do for my children every time regardless of it's effect on me I just didn't think this would be the next thing I had to deal with in what has already been the worst pregnancy/birth/infancy in my almost 20 years of motherhood.
On the bright side she is just such an adorable thing. Oh and for those who keep up with my granddaughter.. Bekah who was born 7lbs 6oz is now 8 lbs 13 oz and can hold her head up and watches everything around her.
My beautiful blessings 💟💕💕💟
Clara is right, Bekah is left
Keep breastfeeding for sure! Give some formula along the way but make sure to pump when you do! Drink as much water as possible and stay healthy to keep your supply up! But definitely pump when shes doing formula or your supply will no doubt drop! Good luck and much love to your entire family. You're beautiful and I have nothing but faith in you and your body. You can do this!
@babydiehl2016 thanks for the encouragement. My husband and daughter.. well really all the children were like mom you know better than this, you can do this. My oldest son's face when he saw the formula from the doctor was interesting and he said what world am I in. The whole family thought it was odd. But my plan right now is to breastfeed her, express some after she's done, then give her as much formula as she wants to finish. Honestly though she might have to develop a taste for it, she's gagging it out and doesn't want the bottle.
@babydiehl2016 it was mentioned that perhaps I am not eating/drinking enough and my milk supply may be suffering or perhaps not up to par. He wanted me to pump and to have her formula fed until Monday. Even my husband is against this and wants me to continue breast feeding and just add in some bottles. I don't know what to do because I have never had a doctor tell me not to breast feed... Just very confused and concerned for my baby.
@ecahanes she's actually grown almost 2 inches and they do this weight to height to weight ratio and said she was under the 20th percentile. The doctor wants me to formula feed until Monday and pump when I would normally be nursing to see if I'm producing enough... Just sucks because I never pump as much as I can feed her nursing.
Have you talked to lactation?? She has grown an they not take that into consideration?? I know lactation can do some tests on your milk and baby