I dont think they do on either . but its pretty easy to get them out . I'm pregnant so its pretty tough getting my son out. But I have him help by standing up in the seat 🤷🏾
@momofdeuce Haha I chose chili's instead of o Charley's ;) good choice too. I wish I could find out if the cup holders came off on the safety first but I've googled and can't really find anything. That would definitely be what did it for me because I have a 2 door coupe so if I could take the one cup holder off it would make it easier. I don't know if they usually come off or not
@amandahenry546, That laundry basket is pretty cool! I haven't taken the car seat out so I'm not sure if the cup holders come off, but both car seats look about the same size.
@bayou_donna haha I have the same laundry basket :) do you happen to know if the cup holders come off? I have a 2 door coup so getting him in and out with the cup holder is going to be difficult
@first.time.mommy that's the one we had picked out but now I am second guessing after reading reviews and the fact that the other has the extender and my son is tall so it would help keeping him rear facing longer, but I've read bad reviews on each