I want to pierce my daughter's ears but I am so hesitant !

I am allergic to certain metals, if I wear a bracelet necklace or ear rings my body will break out into hives in that area until I take it off & it takes 3 to 4 days to go away. Thats why I never wear anything.

She's 7 month & hasn't broken a tooth yet, no tugging on the ears at all. But I don't want it to suddenly appears.

& doesn't it take like 2 weeks to heals ?
I am just nervous it's going to bother her and her earlobes will be hurting for days.

I just hate when she is ever in pain ! (from shots, she just got over strep throat and she had an ear infection at 3 months) during those times I always felt so guilty that she had to feel that way!

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I took my daughter to get hers done when she was 3 months old. The jewler told us to get a certian metal so that she doesnt become allergic to metals (i can't remember which metal it was for the life of me? The gun is sterilized but the part where the needle goes and what gets close to her ear was, it comes as one big piece that that they snap into the gun. As far as pain it only hurt her for a few minutes but she was completely fine after that. I did give her infant tylenol like 30 min before we went though.
01.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
The gun is usually plastic and not everything can be disinfected on it, so a professional piercer would be better since they actually pierce compared to using force to shove an earring in, and it might hurt less and heal quicker that way. Maybe try talking about it with her doctor to see if shes healthy enough for it
01.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@pierced_momma that's what I am nervous with as well, I was reading that the gun isn't sterilized since it's hard to and it could get it infected or pass diseases. Ahhhh I think I might wait even though I really want then done
01.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
My mom just pierced my sister's ears a few weeks ago (she's 14 months) and i really disagree with it. Not with her piercing the ears, but I dont like the piercing gun. Personally I would've taken her to a professional since their stuff is sterile. But if you're allergic to certain metals I recommend gold earrings. My sister is the same way, but gold doesn't seem to harm her
01.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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