I want to pierce my daughter's ears but I am so hesitant !
I am allergic to certain metals, if I wear a bracelet necklace or ear rings my body will break out into hives in that area until I take it off & it takes 3 to 4 days to go away. Thats why I never wear anything.
She's 7 month & hasn't broken a tooth yet, no tugging on the ears at all. But I don't want it to suddenly appears.
& doesn't it take like 2 weeks to heals ?
I am just nervous it's going to bother her and her earlobes will be hurting for days.
I just hate when she is ever in pain ! (from shots, she just got over strep throat and she had an ear infection at 3 months) during those times I always felt so guilty that she had to feel that way!