In honor of all mommies:
1. Did you have an epidural? Yes
2. Was the father in the room? Yes, the nurse had him hold one of my legs. That part was kinda weird.
3. Were you induced? Yes
4. Did you find out the sex? Yes
5. Due Date? 01/27/17
6. Did you deliver early or late? Late
7. Did you have morning sickness? A few times in the first and second trimester, but I was nauseous all the time
8. What did you crave? Oranges
9. How many pounds did you gain? About 20
10. What was the sex of the baby? A sweet baby girl
11. Did you have any complications? No
12. Where did you give birth? Augusta, GA
13. How many hours were you in labor? About 12
14. How much did your baby weigh? 7 lb. 14 oz.
15. What did you name the baby? Eastyn Caroline
16. How old is your baby today? Almost 6 months