@sammie.williams1102, don't show your baby you are emotional. That will help too. Bring her in. Say hi to everyone, give her to the teacher. Give her (them) a goodbye kiss and leave. Be strong. I know is really hard. But with time this will be easier and better for you and then
@sammie.williams1102, she will be fine. Usually new babies take from 2 weeks to 2 months to get use to. Just be patient. Explain her teacher her schedule, what she likes, how she likes. So that will make it easier for you and for her. If makes you feel better ask if you can call or have them text you how she is doing. Where I work we are not allowed to text parents, but since I know infants room is a hard stage for baby and mommy I just ignore their rule. I text parents every day how baby is doing, pictures etc.
But again: that's me. Maybe other facilities they are more strict I don't know