Desiree DeFrank
Desiree DeFrank
I'm having an awful panic attack about not being prepared for my baby girl to come into the world... I'm so overwhelmed and unprepared. I'm not sure how to get everything ready when I have No idea what needs to be done. I can't stop overthinking and it's making work super difficult tonight 😭 I don't have any friends with kids so I don't have anyone to talk to about it.

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@julybaby, thanks babe! It means a lot! I'm not on here a whole lot, would you mind if we became friends on fb? It'd be a lot easier to stay connected:) 💕
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dd1028 i completely understand those fears. Its hard not to be so afraid of something so new and a little person that relies soley on you but you'll do great ❤ mama instincts will kick in. Everyone says it but it's very true. Everything finds its way of working out. Its hard not having mom friends especially being young but these mom apps are great for connecting with eachother. My inbox is always open i swear i use this app more than facebook lol you're definitely not alone we are all here to support eachother ☺
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@julybaby, thank you! That makes me feel a bit better. I just am terrified I won't be good enough or I'll screw something up! I wish I had mommy friends in real life 😭 these apps are all I have. But I'm so thankful to have advice from you and other moms out there so I know I'm not alone! Thank you ❤️
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
The first time i walked into the baby section at target i started having a panic attack because of all the options and not knowing anything. I know its tough but don't worry too much everything will come together and over time Youll realize that only YOU know whats best for your baby ❤ you being worried just shows how good and caring mother youll be. Good luck girl
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@courtjackson, thanks love! Idk what to even be scared about lol I'm just freaking out about everything tbh!! Hopefully you're little peanut comes soon for you! Good luck!! ❤️
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hey girl. We're the same age and I'm about to be a first time mom as well (my due date was actually two days ago lol). But I've gone through the same type of anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. If you need to talk or want advice on anything, reach out to me!
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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