Idk what to do my husband gets mad at me for not asking for help with late night feedings and tells me I need to ask for help because we Both made our son but then I ask for help and he gets mad because I have to wake him up so no matter what I do he gets mad at me and I had to up the dose on my antidepressants because I'm starting to get into some ppd this should be a happy time for our family but no instead I'm having pain and panic attacks constantly

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I am so sorry girl! :( my S/O says the same thing to me about asking for help with our children but when I need help and ask he either isn't home (At work or out with friends) or he is home and complains. Sometimes I don't like asking him for help because I want to think I can do everything by myself but in all reality I do need help, and so do you! Maybe try to plan a 'family meeting' and discuss all of your problems. Write everything down that you feel ( like little things he could be doing for you) to make things a lil easier on you! Or maybe even write down a schedule for yourself and the babies so that you can make sure you have some time for yourself too!
14.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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