@patty94, my husband won't use those either he said y should we were married but now idc if I get pregnant or not I wanted to wait till I was 31 for my nxt
@patty94, yea once I knew I wanted sex I told my mom n she took me I was 18 n been on ever since I was the type I didn't want to b a young mom nor hv diff baby daddy's so once I got married that's when I got pregnant
@diegosmommy0213 oooh ok well hopefully it doesn't take you to long..i was never really on birth control till now i got the shot after i had my daughter but made me gain so much weight
I was on birth control since I w 18 my body hasn't rest only when I w pregnant n I went bk on afterwards
I got off last sat n now my period came too since my most isn't on Reg schedule anymore bitter sweet :/
But now it's resting n I should b starting soon again n c what happens n the future not n a rush I'll just c what happens later
@patty94, I lived w mine too for 2 years I'm n my own place for six months now my son 3 were planning on another too right now I just got off my pill last sat