My daughter Clara Ava Ruth (left) born 6/30/17 weight 8 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches.
My granddaughter Rebekah Latane Dream (right) born 7/9/17 weight 7lbs 6oz and 20 3/4 inches.
Both were born via C-section for failure to progress and/or descend.
The absolute joys of my life and I'm so happy to be home after a week in the NICU and then my daughter started labor the day we came home. Done with hospitals and our family is whole again.
More pics in comments.
@loving_the_mommy_life my daughter and I are inseparable and I cannot begin to describe our relationship but having her and raising her has been an amazing adventure.
@babymakes11 my friend daughter and my daughter are born 2 days apart as well and they are almost 3 this Dec and we though it was cool that they was 2 days apart
@babymakes11 wow that's awesome to have babies grow up together they are going to be best friend's.... Do you have a great relationship with your daughter??