Briannia Carr
Briannia Carr
Hi, I am Briannia. I'm 18 & im having twins. I am going to be induced in the beginning of September and would really like any tips for mom's of multiples.

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@twinmomma2b, @alyssa_hoffmaster, @twinsandcounting, Thank you all for the advice I really appreciate it. I know it's going to be hard but I'm hoping for the best. I will let you guys know if I have any more questions and I'll definitely keep you updated. Thanks for the encouragement as well. Haven't heard much of that from other people.
12.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
My twins are a month old now and let me tell you this. When they sleep you attempt to get shit done as quick as possible lol like make sure your bottles are always clean and ready to go. I struggle man, like really struggle lol when one of my babies wakes up I about break my neck to get that baby out the room and far enough away from the other so the other baby sleeps long enough for me to feed the one baby, do a diaper change and swaddle. I literally live on coffee and monster energy right now. There are literally some nights I get 0 sleep. I'll be up for 24-38 hours sometimes because one baby gets up then the other just far enough apart so I get no sleep. My head hits the pillow and I guarantee one if not both of my babies are gonna wake up. I tried having them in separate bassinets beside bed....yeah just no. It didn't work. They d be up all night tryinf to talk to each other so I put them in their crib together and they sleep longer now but they still have a hard time with their schedules. I tried to breastfeed. They wouldn't latch or feed so I had to pump. I just gave up 2 days ago. trying to take care of two newborn babies, clean, cook and then pump or feed every 2 to 3 hours was too exhausting I'd be busy and not pump and get huge lumps in my breast that hurt so bad to even touch them let alone pump so I'm just formula feeding now. Its so worth it. But I'm not gonna lie to you it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I've had my moments a few times I just sat in my glider chair and cried until i couldn't no more because everything is so overwhelming at first. You just have to remember you can do it. Its not gonna be like this forever and your gonna be a wonderful mommy
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@brianniacarr, eventually they were on the same schedule yes. But it takes a little time and you have to keep working with them and also you have to see how they do things to so you can get them on the same schedule based on they're needs. You have to kind of work together with them and see what works best. My sons were born at 32 weeks so they were in the NICU for a month. For that month I only pumped because they could not latch on or suck so I was only pumping but at the end of that month I wasn't producing enough so they had to switch to formula. Every little bit you can get counts. Don't feel bad if you can't do breastfeed for very long. Every mom is different. I hope you have help for at least the first couple weeks just to get into the swing of things because your hands will be full 🙂 but it's a wonderful experience! And expect everyone out in public to ask you if they are twins because if I had a dollar every time someone was shocked to see twins and especially from someone so "young" I'd be rich😂😂😂😂
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@brianniacarr, I got them on a schedule. They are fortunately still on a schedule. It just changes as they grow. But we sleep trained them at 3 months old and ever since it's made our daily schedule that much easier. I exclusively breastfed but it's becoming a real challenge nursing both of them now. My daughter is very active and fidgety and my son is getting teeth. So, it's coming to an end. Will be pumping for them up until I have my 3rd baby in December but you could go as long as you like as long as your baby and your body were able to. You may need to supplement with formula only if your having trouble with your supply. But I never did so, I didn't need to.
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@twinsandcounting, @alyssa_hoffmaster, did you get them on the same schedule and if so how? Did you breastfeed cause i plan on it and if so did you have to supplement with formula? & just what to expect overall
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
I got pregnant with twins at 19... the first few months were the hardest... I got no no sleep and I was up all night but it's so worth it. They wake each other up with they're cries so be prepared for that. But it's honestly the best thing because they are now 3 and are best friends.... if you have any questions just let me know 🙂
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
What are some of your concerns?
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, Well my plan is to put them on the same schedule like feed, bathe, change them at the same time. Right now the boy is more active than the girl so I'm thinking that's how they'll be in the beginning. & im going to be a stay at home mom while I'm in school so it's mainly going to be me. My mom is gonna help out some but she'll be working too.
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, thanks for the advice. That's what I keep hearing mainly. Nobody in my family has any advice to give about twins so this is new territory.
11.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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