All my hubby has been doing lately is playing video games and siting on the computer. You'd think he would want to spend time with me and his children after working all week but nope. It's like he's not even home from work. 😌
Maybe you can offer him a trade off? He can have his games if he dedicates at least one day to just you and the kids? We started out slow like that and it worked out well for us. My husband eventually realized he actually enjoyed time with us more and started limiting his time gaming on his own.
@mommagigi23, girl I'm so torn up over stuff I just cry and all the time!! I'm at my wits ends with it! He wanted a baby so we had a baby and he doesn't spend time with him!!! My seven year old begs for this mans attention and he doesn't get!!! Breaks my heart!! Speak up before it gets worse
@typicalwifegirl, I've talked to him, and he looks me right in my eyes and tells me he's sorry and he'll try to do better. Then does the same thing the next day lol.
This used to be a huge problem for my husband, too. Have you talked to him about it at all? Sometimes they feel they need the games to unwind after work and just don't realize exactly how much unwinding they're doing. 🙄