Dear Moms/Moms-to-be , i need your advice. Being around 12 weeks and 5 days I went down with a seasonal cold(normal symptoms:blocked nose,cough,fever etc) during the heatwave that we experienced a few weeks ago in the UK. I didnt take any medication and managed to ride the whole thing out on lemon,honey tea and gargling salt to help with sore throat and vinegar to manage the fever. I had mild fever for about 2 days(again coudnt get the exact cause of high temperature due to it being baking outside and inside the house) vinegar helped.
Now the issue:I used to be able to feel flutters of the baby moving about (before the cold) they were very slight but i knew baby was there and it was all fine. Now...its been a week since the heatwave and i am out and about i no longer feel those flutters as much as i try and sense them out. I still have the morning sickness and gagging which i take as a positive but the movement is no longer there as it used to be.
A few times during those painfull night i woke up and i was sleeping on my stomach -in panic i rolled back on the left or my back.
I am not 14.1weeks and this is my first baby. I am aware that u cant feel kicks before the 16th week and even later if its ur first child. But now I can only have my brain engaged on this topic. Have you or anyone you know experienced something like this? Help! Xxx