Dear Moms/Moms-to-be , i need your advice. Being around 12 weeks and 5 days I went down with a seasonal cold(normal symptoms:blocked nose,cough,fever etc) during the heatwave that we experienced a few weeks ago in the UK. I didnt take any medication and managed to ride the whole thing out on lemon,honey tea and gargling salt to help with sore throat and vinegar to manage the fever. I had mild fever for about 2 days(again coudnt get the exact cause of high temperature due to it being baking outside and inside the house) vinegar helped.
Now the issue:I used to be able to feel flutters of the baby moving about (before the cold) they were very slight but i knew baby was there and it was all fine. Now...its been a week since the heatwave and i am out and about i no longer feel those flutters as much as i try and sense them out. I still have the morning sickness and gagging which i take as a positive but the movement is no longer there as it used to be.
A few times during those painfull night i woke up and i was sleeping on my stomach -in panic i rolled back on the left or my back.
I am not 14.1weeks and this is my first baby. I am aware that u cant feel kicks before the 16th week and even later if its ur first child. But now I can only have my brain engaged on this topic. Have you or anyone you know experienced something like this? Help! Xxx

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@mum2sky @sara-lou86 @noshinxoxo @winterbaby95 thank you all very much :)
03.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Felt flutters 14 to 15 weeks with pregnancy 1. And then it stopped until week 17 and then it was clearly baby moving from then onwards. That early on you really shouldn't worry about movement at all. It's not something most moms feel and could be a myriad of things and not even baby. Your illness really won't affect baby in anyway and neither will how you sleep. I'm pregnant with a 9 month old and kicks and elbows my stomach regularly, my midwives and doctors have all said to not worry, baby inside is well protected and won't be affected by things external like that.
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I felt flutters 11-12 weeks and slept on my tummy until 17 weeks...only stopped because it was making me feel sick :) Sleeping only really becomes a problem when you have a bump...but sleeping on your belly wont hurt the baby :) know plenty that did it long into the third trimester :) the only no no is sleeping on your back xx
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Many mums feel flutter like movements early on. I did myself both times. But it's unlikely to be baby, but rather your uterus growing & changing as baby grows. This does settle. Baby is still way too small for you to be feeling movements. Obviously if your concerned about anything you should contact your midwive & she can check you over for reassurance. But it's rare you would feel or get a pattern of baby movements until 20+weeks. And it's not until 24 or 26weeks they say you'll start to notice & need to be aware of babies regular movements. I was so unwell at the beginning of both my pregnancies. Chest infection one time. Bronchitis the next. I did worry if they were ok but both times they were. They are very well protected in there & use most of our immune system & energy hence why we commonly get unwell! Lol
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
If you're worried I would go and see your midwife. Like you said it might just be that it's early and the baby might be in a different position so you aren't feeling the flutters as much. Also lying on your stomach at this time won't harm your baby so don't worry yourself hun. When you get bigger you won't go on your stomach your brain just won't let you lol like I said I think you should go and check baby is okay if you're really stressed. At 12 weeks I started bleeding and went crying and screaming into the hospital thinking I had a miscarriage and I got a scan the next day and now I have a 7 month old lol hope that helped a little bit x
30.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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