You know what with this app? So many moms on here acting all "I'm just trying to help!" Talking about "research shows..." Yea, well my kid's pediatrician pulled the "research shows" on me for months while I watched him writhe in pain and scream when he ate bc I wanted to put him on Nutramigen and "there is no conclusive evidential research that says it will work. So I don't recommend it and I'll put that in writing." I got fed up with being told "he has to grow out of it" and saw a new pediatrician IN THE SAME PRACTICE who immediately recommended Nutramigen and it has worked amazingly and he gained proper weight and stopped screaming. If I had listened to this other doctor he'd be even sicker by now. I'm so tired of people saying "research shows". Research shows that everyone has opinions and only some of them went to medical school. Research shows that not every solution works for everyone. Go ask your MIL. I bet she disagrees with how you're raising your child. Bc she did it differently. Our kids will raise theirs in ways that will make us shake our heads. Let people live. This crap exhausts me. I'm sorry to all mom's stressing bc they are scared and only tryin to do what's best. I got your back.