Well I am not aggressive ehen it isny worth it and like my family to be happy. If cutting corners is acceptable, try a nice black suit that looks similar to a tux and rent the runway for a dress
@cubanese ya I could see that but I'd be like nope you can find someone else it's not my wedding I'm not paying for it lol. My wedding is on July first and I'm paying for it all. My maid of honor isn't paying for anything. Especially to just shell out a thousand dollars.....Dude I'm only spending like a max of 200 on my wedding
@kag4291, that's the main reason we're trying to pull it together cost-wise - we want his sister to be happy and be helpful on her big day! It's just hard, and like you said, we'll definitely have some catching up to do later!
I hear you! I just went to my sister's wedding in may and we are still catching up on expenses! The only parts that were worth it were my sister so happy, a sitter for my baby.
@lucifermommy, agreed! And @beebaby They want very specific things, like the groomsmen to buy $300 suits, for us to be at the venue Thursday thru Sunday to help set up ($300 for hotel), and to attend meticulously planned bachelor/bachelorette party weekends costing $375 & $400 to go - just to name a few things. It's starting to add up and I'm getting a little sticker shock 😬