My 3 year old is starting to get out of control. Idk what to do anymore. 😫
Even when we have a fantastic day at the park, water park, movies, have plenty of one on one time, playtime, etc. She still screams to the top of her lungs if she doesn't get her way, she hit her dad, keeps pushing her sister down, tried to put her sisters head underwater (last time they are ever taking a bath together) and talks back constantly. Everything is a debate. I have to either yell at her or bribe her to do something as simple as putting her shoes on. Throws a complete fit over ANYTHING she can't have. We send her to her room and she kicks the door, screams bloody murder, throws stuff around. Her behavior has escalated over the past few weeks and we don't understand why. If anything we have been doing MORE and giving her MORE attention. We don't know what to do and it's getting to the point where she's hard to be around and I don't wanna feel that way about my own daughter...any advice would be most appreciated.
@mommagigi23, continue what your doing and just pay no mind to her fit. When she finally verbally requests your attention ask her if she is done with her fit and go from there
@mathews132, Thanks, I will definitely try that. When you say ignore the bad behavior. Do you mean like just turn our backs when she throws a fit or yell? Or just don't react and pretend it's not happening.
Hmm I'd continue the time outs and explain why certain behaviours are not acceptable and ignore those behaviours. One of my used to have melt downs so bad I'd have to wrap them with my arms and legs and sit on the floor til they calmed....thankfully that doesn't happen anymore....patience and firmness are key :)
@mathews132, we praise the good behavior yes, but we don't really ignore the negative behavior. Closest we get to that is sending her to her room to scream and we ignore that.
We ask her why and she says because she wants to or because she doesn't want to do something. When it came to her sister her dad asked her why she hurts her and she said she didn't want her here anymore...which was really disturbing.