Hey momma's! I was just wondering what I could do to kind of help labor come? I'm due June 27, but if my son doesn't come by then I am getting induced at 6am on June 28. I know that's not very far out, but I have zero signs of labor other than losing my mucus plug two days ago and I'd really like labor to come on it's own. Although, being induced is nice because I know my baby will be here soon, I'd like him to come on his own rather than my body "being forced" into labor. Any advice??
The last two months I walked a shit ton, thanks to Pokemon. 😂 Every night I'd roll and bounce on my birthing ball, but I think was really did it for ME was having a membrane sweep at 38+5d, I was 50% effaced and "a loose 2 or a tight 3" cm dilated. Had sex that night twice. The very next day I believe I started having contractions around noon, but hospital wouldn't admit me until I was 4cm I think, so finally around 7 I went back and was admitted. Had my son the next morning 7am at exactly 39w.
Long story short I think that membrane sweep did it. He pushed so damn hard because my cervix is very far back..it hurt soooo bad honestly, but did the trick!